Sarah Brenchley
I mentor mid life women transition through menopause and beyond, with dignity, a sense of humour and the odd gin & tonic so you can move into a new stage of strong health and vitality, a clear vision of what you really want from life and the confidence to step into wise woman leadership.
How to Work with Me

Coaching and Consultation Packages

Nutrition, Naturopathic and Life Coaching Packages to focus on specific concerns.

Group Coaching Programmes

Specific small group and coached programmes for menopause and post-menopausal women focused on improving health, lifestyle and mindset.

Live Events

Workshops & Cookery Days providing recipes and education specific to menopause and post menopause.
Hi! My name is Sarah Brenchley
I am a degree qualified naturopath, with further qualifications in nutrition, herbal medicine and coaching. I am also a licensed MenoChef (R) and Menopause Experts Group Champion.
I am absolutely passionate about women's health and in particular that of the mid life woman. Menopause has for a long time been an invisible and taboo part of a women's life and so many have suffered in silence. Its time that menopausal health and postmenopausal health are given the attention they deserve. I truly believe that menopause is a transition time, turbulent and at times horrible but it can also be a fantastic time for reflection, resetting and renewal. I believe post menopause is a time when women should step up and share their knowledge and wisdom. As a health coach working with those who have experienced stroke and heart disease I have learnt first hand how diet, lifestyle and stress impacts health and drives chronic health conditions. As a life coach and NLP practitioner I understand the importance of changing thoughts to change habits and as a nutritionist I know the power of food to reduce symptoms and ensure a healthy mind and body. I am also a mid life woman myself who has learnt lessons a long the way of my own transition. I cannot wait to support you on your journey to long term health and a life you love.

My Mission

My mission is to empower women to have a healthier relationship with themselves and food, to reduce their symptoms and eat and live in a way that nourishes their gut, their mind and their body, to cultivate habits that balance hormones and improves wellbeing and allows them to fully embrace their cycles and femininity. This is so they can feel joy and vibrant, fully connected to their dreams and have the drive and energy to fulfill their goals and desires.

I want to see women’s health, menopausal and post menopausal health get the attention it deserves and for women of all ages to get the respect, support and education that they are entitled to. I want to see women be allowed to be women and not be forced to fit physiologically into a man’s world. We have a monthly rhythm that has longed been ignored and yet is key to our health. I truly believe that post menopausal women have a gift of wisdom and lived experience that should no longer be invisible. Traditional societies have always known this. Its time the ‘west’ caught up.

Back in 2009, the Dalai Lama said the world will be saved by western women.  One of my favourite quotes is by the author Lucy H. Pearce, when she adds ”not any woman, perhaps not all women, but Burning Women. Women who have stepped out of silence and into the fullness of their power. Angry women who love the world and her creatures too much to let it be destroyed so thoughtlessly for a moment longer’.  To me, that woman is a post menopausal woman – who has been through the fire and come out the other side ready to step up and be the role model, the voice, the wise woman, a leader!


Perimenopause can be a time of confusion, frustration and fear but it can also be a magical time of curiosity, growth and even transformation.  This 2 part webinar series will explain what perimenopause is and how to learn from your cycle and how to love, eat and work in each phase of your menstrual cycle. 

Sign up for the 2 part webinar series on the Magic of Perimenopause

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